I want to introduce you to someone — 11 someones, in fact. These are 11 adventurous women whose stories are guaranteed to get your creative juices flowing, to get your passions riled up, and to prove that anything is possible if you want it badly enough.
I spent last week at the World Tourism Forum in Istanbul where I was representing the amazing NOMADasaurus team.
At the conference, I got to meet writers, photographers, and travellers from all over the globe who re-ignited my passion for adventure and for following this rocky path we’ve chosen. Aside from being amazingly talented and successful in their fields, everyone I met was genuinely nice, friendly and willing to share their secrets to success!
It’s my great joy to introduce you to…
11 Adventurous Women Who Will Inspire You
For more travel excitement get inspired by our 20 best travel experiences, grab our 63 tips for transformational travel, and see if you could handle being a full-time nomad.
Sally of My Custard Pie
Dubai-based blogger Sally kicked off her food and travel blogging career, armed with a healthy food obsession, a writer’s keen sense of observation, and a new DSLR camera that she didn’t really know how to use. She has since shaped herself into an award-winning pro and truly inspiring woman!
Sally’s food photos are guaranteed to make you drool, her recipes will get you into the kitchen (or behind the cocktail bar), and her curiosity about food culture provides a taste of far-off exotic places to armchair travellers around the globe.
Parinaz, Maryam, Sara and Mahzad of Saboktar
Though I’m presenting these four adventurous women from Iran as a package, they are just as inspiring as individuals! Each has had her own incredible solo adventures involving hitchhiking, camping, and exploring off-beat destinations on a budget.
They all have first-hand experiences of the kindness of strangers and the similarities we find in cultures around the world, which they share on their communal blog. By the end of the World Tourism Forum, almost everyone they met had added Iran to their 2017 must-visit list – me included.
Ruth of ExploraMum and ExploraSon
During their five years exploring the world together, Ruth and Louis (aka Exploramum and Explorason) have had no home base. They move through the world, visiting new destinations as the mood takes them. Talk about adventurous! As a single mum, Ruth ditched her full-time job and opted for travel as a way to get to spend more time with her son. The amazing experiential education he has received is just a bonus.
The ultimate inspiration for travel-obsessed parents, Ruth has managed to turn her passion for travel into a sustainable lifestyle. Exploramum and Explorason may settle down soon so Louis can have a stable high school experience, so catch them while they’re still adventuring!
Related: Discover 10 Different Types of Travellers by Travel See Write →
Patrizia of Fashion for Travel
Having become disenchanted with her job as a fashion designer, Patrizia took a huge leap of faith into the exciting and sometimes frustrating world of travel blogging.
Based in Verona, Patrizia and her husband – who used to be a fashion photographer – work together creating off-the-beaten-track itineraries and travel guides for Italian travellers. They’re also entrepreneurs, running a business to help restaurants, hotels, and other tourism industry companies with their marketing materials. Even if you don’t speak Italian, follow their wonderful Instagram feed for daily visual travel inspiration.
Need more inspiration for your adventure? Read these:
Marysia Maciocha of My Travel Affairs
After studying to be a lawyer and getting a degree in fashion design, Polish blogger Marysia discovered that adventure was the only thing that could hold her attention.
Addicted to the constant change that travel provides, Marysia continues to adventure, even though she claims to have “settled down” in Romania. Having been to Italy, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Indonesia just last year, I’d say she’s not really ready to settle just yet! I’ve been a fan of Marysia’s blog for a while now, especially for the Friday Lens Affair where she tells the stories behind some amazing travel photos. Follow her Instagram account for pure, bright travel inspiration.
Kach of Two Monkeys Travel
One half of one of the world’s most famous travel couples, this adventurous woman is not just the beautiful face of the Two Monkeys Travel empire. She is also a sharp strategist, an obsessed number-cruncher, videographer, social media marketer and a talented presenter.
Kach and her husband Jonathan started their travel journey together by setting up a yoga and massage business in India (ballsy!). Now they combine their passion for adventure with their love of luxury as they travel the world. Their blog is all about the nitty gritty of DIY travel – but follow their Facebook page to get completely wrapped up in their unfolding travel love story.
Cheryl of CherylHoward.com
After extricating herself from the “complete disaster” of her life in Toronto, Cheryl fell in love with travel and finally exported herself to Berlin. It soon became her home and an extraordinarily convenient base from which to explore the continent.
She pays for her frequent travels with full-time work and part-time writing gigs. If you long to try living as an expat (Yes!!! Go for it!) check out Cheryl’s inspirational posts about Expat Living. Or follow her Instagram to be continually inspired by her ongoing travel adventures.
Melissa: A Broken Backpack
One of those people (like me) who could just NOT stay home, Melissa took the leap to make travelling her full-time obsession and occupation.
From Quebec, Canada, Melissa challenged herself even more by writing about her adventures in English. She’s temporarily based in a small town in the UK but still manages to travel once or twice a month. And nope, she’s not rich, but between her blog, freelance gigs and a penny-pinching travel style, she makes it all work. Follow Melissa for deeply personal blog posts and gorgeous destination photos.
These 11 adventurous women lead very different lives but they all have one thing in common: they seized their passions and started living them, no apologies, no regrets.
Are you ready to join them?
♥ Happy adventures, Stephen & Jane